In this modern age of pet care, people are more concerned with their pets' wellness than ever. We're constantly searching for new ways to boost our dog's nutrition. One of the most common means of doing is add supplements to your dog's diet. The pet is easy to get deficiency essential nutrients, special is Vitamins and Minerals during their life stages if the owner not supply the amount adequate of their requirement. And the common problem of the owners face to face is that they don’t know their pet is supplied enough supplements or not. Although vitamins and minerals are micro-nutrients, meaning they are supplemented in companion animal diets in small quantities, they play leading roles in a wide range of metabolic and immune functions that keep pets healthy and well-being.

Why do pets need to supply sufficient vitamin and mineral?

When our pets are supplied adequate essential elements as Vitamin and Mineral which need for optimal health and disease prevention and it can help dogs achieve longevity and vitality. In case your pets get some symptoms like upset stomach or less appetite which are the result from Vitamin deficiency. To fill this void, you might need to give your pet a vitamin and mineral supplement to keep your pet’s skin and coat healthy, strengthen bones and teeth, and give them the overall energy that help support the brain, heart, kidney, eyes, and liver functions and overall health.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

Vitamins are micronutrients, meaning that the dog's body needs them in small proportions. However, they are essential because they play a role in numerous chemical reactions.

A vitamin deficiency will show some symptoms or others depending on the functions of the vitamin which is lacking. However, the following symptoms are all signs of a deficit of this micronutrient:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Dermatitis
  • Decreased body temperature
  • Changes in tongue color
  • Alterations in their fur
  • Clotting problems
  • Neurological signs

Symptoms of mineral deficiency

Minerals, just like vitamins, are micronutrients, and the deficit symptoms will depend on the particular function performed by the mineral that is lacking.


Despite this, some main signs are suggesting a deficit of this type of micronutrient. They are the following:

  • Growth disorders
  • Musculoskeletal disorders
  • Anemia
  • Repeated infectious diseases
  • Restlessness
  • Weakness
  • Dry skin and loss of fur

Benefits of vitamin supplement for pet 

Increased energy

A vitamin supplement can benefit your pet's heart, liver, kidneys, eyes, and immune system, helping to promote overall well-being for your pet. Senior pets can especially benefit from vitamin supplements.

Healthier skin and coat

Vitamin can help improve skin health, leading to a smoother, shinier coat. It can also improve skin and coat health and reduce shedding.

Strengthened immune system

Supplements can also help boost your pet's immune system, thereby helping your pet ward off diseases. To strengthen your pet's immune system and also help improve liver and kidney function, and also help support optimal immune function.

Benefits of mineral supplement for pet 

These are the building blocks that contribute to developing bone, muscle and tissue, as well as maintaining energy levels. Trace minerals, on the other hand, are required in milligrams and act as the glue that keep a pet’s metabolism and immune system functioning properly.

Additionally, Trace minerals are supplemented in companion animal diets in small amounts and contribute to several metabolic and immune functions, including energy metabolism, skin and coat quality, growth and development, reproductive performance, joint and bone integrity, overall health and wellness.

Which vitamins and minerals are pets need?







Responsible for maintaining healthy eyesight, fetal development, immune function, and body cell growth.

-  Cause heart problem

- Induces weight loss

- Affect growth


Play a significant role in maintaining your dog’s health,  responsible for energy and carbohydrate metabolism, and activates ion channels in neural tissues

-Lack of growth

- Nervous system damage


Used for the production of red blood cells and antibodies that help fight disease. 

-Impairs growth rate in puppies, and can result in anorexia, weight loss, weakness, ataxia, collapse, and death.

-In cats can resulted in anorexia, weight loss, periauricular alopecia, bilateral cataracts, testicular hypoplasia, fatty accumulation in the liver, and death



 Needed for healthy skin, hair, eyes, and liver. They also help the nervous system function properly.

- Coma

- Rapid heart rate


Assists with nervous system function, skin health, red blood cell formation, protein metabolism and the synthesis of antibodies in the immune system. 

-Muscle twitching

- Motor control imbalance


Helps dogs maintain phosphorus and calcium balance for healthy bone and muscle growth

- Muscle atrophy

- Dehydration


Supports the growth of puppies and is a fat-soluble vitamin. It benefits cell function, metabolism, and defense against oxidative damage.

Lead to muscle degeneration and reproductive problems.



It is the main component of enzymes, bones, and intracellular fluids. Additionally, Magnesium has a large effect on neuromuscular transmission. 

-Muscle cramps


-GI upset

-Urinary disorders in cats


Iron is a central component of hemoglobin and myoglobin, the molecules that carry oxygen in blood and muscle respectively. It also is a part of many enzymes, particularly those that are catalysts to energy production in cells.  Iron also helps strengthen the immune system. 



An important part of many enzymes and plays a role in the health and maintenance of bone and cartilage in joints. 

-Ataxia (unsteady, tremors, eye flicking)

-Poor growth

Inability or difficulties reproducing

-Abnormalities with coat and skin

-Abnormalities with skeletal structure and joints


In the recent day, the pet owner really care about how to know the pet get enough vitamins in their diet? Or are there any products that can provide Vitamins and Minerals at the same time for a pet? 

Vemedim would like to recommend a nutritional product that can combine all of essential Vitamin and Mineral elements in one product. NUVITA GEL - the best seller of the nutritional product which contains a comprehensive blend of vitamins,  along with minerals needed to meet the nutritional requirement of the pet.

Make sure your pet gets the vitamins and minerals they need with NUVITA GEL . Busy pet owners enjoy the ease of administering a nutritional tasty gel treat each day for their “babies”. The best feature of NUVITA GEL  is to supply energy and nutrition in a short time. It is easy to absorb and does not make any intestinal disorder and it is suitable for all stages of the pet, especially for the growing stage, gestating, giving birth and lactating dogs or cats.

There is a specific feature that makes NUVITA GEL  become a must-have product for your pets. Due to, it helps the owner handle the quitting meal problem that occurs regularly in pets. On a daily day, the common situation that the owner easy to face is that their pets can eat well in the morning but skip their meal in the evening. NUVITA GEL has a sufficient group of vitamin B that consists in the intestinal tract and stimulates the appetite. Your “babies” will be fulfilled energy without malnutrition to maintain their daily activities.   

NUVITA GEL is the right choice for pets:

- Losing appetite

- Getting vitamins and minerals deficiency

- Being in the convalescence period. 

- Stimulate coat to grow after trimming at the spa

How to feed NUVITA GEL properly for your pet?

Feed NUVITA GEL for your cats and dogs with 3 simple steps:

Step 1: For the first feeding, you should squeeze the product out with a bean-shaped on your finger.


Step 2:  Gently put it into pet’s mount to used to it


Step 3: For the next feeding you just need press lightly on the tube then they can lick it by themselves 

Click on the name of  NUVITA GEL to have more information about this product, and don't forget to leave your comment and raise the question in here. VEMEDIM are please to answer all of your concern.

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