Product MALASONE- Ear drop
MALASONE- Ear drop

Treatment of outer ear infections (otitis externa) in dogs and cats


Each ml contains:

Marbofloxacin.............….........…......3.0 mg

Clotrimazole.........................…......10.0 mg

Dexamethasone acetate.........…..…....1 mg

Exp. qs………………………………………..…1 mL 


For the treatment of canine otitis externa associated with yeast (Malassezia pachydermatis) sensitive to clotrimazole and bacteria (Staphylococcus spp., including S. intermedius, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus spp. and Streptococcus spp.) sensitive to marbofloxacin 


Shake well before use.

Apply ten drops into the ear once daily for 7 to 14 days.

After 7 days of treatment, the veterinary surgeon should evaluate the necessity to extend the treatment another week.
One drop of the preparation contains 71 mcg marbofloxacin, 237 mcg clotrimazole and 23.7 mcg dexamethasone acetate.
After application, the base of the ear may be massaged briefly and gently to allow the preparation to penetrate to the lower part of the ear canal.
When the product is intended for use in several dogs, use one cannula per dog.

Withdrawal time: Not appplicable



Store in a dry place not exceeding 30oC. Protect from moisture.
