Spot-on solution
Fipronil…….………………….……….…..…..…….10 % w/v
Non-aqueous vehicle qs……….....................to 100 %
The treatment and prevention of infestations by fleas and ticks and as part of a treatment strategy for Flea Allergy Dermatitis, where this has been previously diagnosed by a veterinary surgeon. The product controls infestations with Trichodectes canis biting lice on dogs.
Route of administration – By topical application to the skin:
* 1 ampoule of 0.67 ml per dog weighing over 2kg and up to 10kg bw
* 1 ampoule of 1. 34 ml per dog weighing over 10kg and up to 20kg bw
* 1 ampoule of 2.68 ml per dog weighing over 20kg and up to 40kg bw
* 1 ampoule of 4.02 ml per dog weighing over 40kg and up to 60 kg bw
For dogs over 60kg use two ampoules of 2.68ml
How To Apply :
Apply following steps:
1. Remove the ampoule from the strip.
2. Open the applicator: Hold the ampoule with a notched end pointing up and away from the face and body, tap the ampoule to ensure the contents are within the main body of the ampoule, snap off at the narrow end at the notches.
3. Apply Fronil Spot for dogs: Part your dog’s hair between the shoulder baldes until the skin is visible. Place the tip of the ampoule just above the skin and squeeze gently at one or two spots to empty the contents onto the skin.
Re-apply Fronil Spot monthly for continuous protection against fleas, ticks and biting lice.
FRONIL SPOT does not prevent ticks from attaching to the animals, but ticks will be killed in the first 24-48 hours after attachment, prior to full engorgement and therefore minimizing the risk of transmission of diseases. Once dead, ticks will often drop off the animal, but any remaining ticks may easily be removed by a gentle pull.
Avoid contact with the animal’s eyes.
When treating infestations of lice, all in-contact dogs should be treated with an appropriate product at the same time.
Store in a dry place. Avoid direct sunlight.