For The Treatment of Respiratory – Diarrhea - Arthritis
Each ml contains:
Ceptiofur.......................................... 50 mg
Ceftiofur is a third-generation cephalosporin antibiotic that is known for its quick action and high effectivity rate.
- Swine: pasteurellosis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleuropneumonia, salmonellosis, colibacillosis.
- Cattle, goat & sheep: pasteurellosis, pneumonia, infection disease due to Haemophilus somnus, metritis, mastitis, foot rot.
- Dog & cat: respiratory, digestive, dermatitis diseases.
- Swine: intramuscular injection at 1ml/ 15kg b.w/ day.
- Piglets: intramuscular injection at 1ml/ 10-15kg b.w/ day.
- Cattle, sheep & goats: subcutaneous injection in neck the neck
+ Pneumonia & metritis: 1ml/20kg b.w/day.
+ Other disease: 1/ 20- 40kg b.w/day.
- Dogs & cats: subcutaneous injection at 1ml/ 12-15kg b.w/day.
Injection should be for 3-5 consecutive days.
Withdrawal time: 4 days
Caution: DO NOT inject more than 5ml on one site for pigs.
Store in a cool and dry place. Avoid direct sunlight.