Product Terra Egg
Terra Egg

Feed additive/ Formula increase in egg production.


Each gram contains:

Vitamin B2................. 2.16 mg

Vitamin A.................. 6 ,600 IU      Vitamin B5....................... 8.1 mg

Vitamin D3................. 1,170 IU      Vitamin B6..................... 1.36 mg

Vitamin E....................... 6.6 IU      Vitamin B12................. 0.011 mg

Vitamin K...................... 4.4 mg      Vitamin PP...................... 27.6 mg


Terra Egg is indicated for the following:

  • Recommended to improve the quality of the eggshell as well as increase the production of laying hens, even in diseased layers, and prolong their high productivity period even during the stress phase.
  • It is also indicated in supplying a variety of vitamins to prevent vitamin deficiency and increase feed metabolism in order to produce eggs.
  • It is indicated in decreasing the morbidity and mortality rates.
  • It is used to protect layers.

Dilute 1g/ 2 liters of drinking water or mix in 1kg per ton of feed daily.

 Withdrawal time : Meat : 15 days      Egg : 0 day


Store in a cool and dry place under room temperature. Strictly keep away from light and avoid heat exposure.
