Product Vime - Bitech
Vime - Bitech

Probiotic and enzyme for aquaculture.


 Each kg contains:

Bacillus subtilis  .................................................109 CFU

Saccharomyces cerevisiae .................................109 CFU

Lactobacillus acidophilus ............................…....108 CFU

Enzyme Amylase ..........................................…34 000 IU

Enzyme Protease .............................……..........64 000 IU

Enzyme Pectinase ...........................................47 000 IU

Enzyme Cellulase ................................……....…17 000 IU

Enzyme Lipase ......................................………..2 5000 IU

Exq. qs..........................................................…………..1 kg


It is indicated for spreading over the shrimp or fish pond and mixing in feed to help:

- Improve the pond bottom condition by providing enzymes and good bacteria which helps to break down

dirty things, NH3, H2S wasted food in the pond bottom.

- Monitor the development of beneficial algae supplying plenty of food for shrimp and fish larvae and maintain

yellowish-green color in pond water appropriate for shrimp and fish growth.

- Balance beneficial bacteria and monitor Vibrio count in pond water preventing shrimp and fish diseases.

- Improve pond water quality and enhance shrimps and fish resistance to diseases.

- Supply the gut with beneficial bacteria which stabilize and improve gut microflora, inhibit pathogens and

prevent gastrointestinal disorders.


Feeding: Mix 1 kg into 250-500 kg of shrimp of fish feed for daily feeding to prevent intestinal diseases.

Spread over the water surface:

In fish farms:

+ 2-3 days before stocking: 1 kg per 6,000 to 7,000 m3 of pond water.

+ The first 2 months: 1 kg per 3,000 to 6,000 m3 of pond water.

+ After stocking 2 months: 1 kg per 2,000 to 4,000 m3 of pond water.

In shrimp farms:

- To monitor watercolor before stocking: 1 kg per 2,000 m3 of pond water

- To improve the pond water quality (When poor water quality and the bottom sediment loads)

+ The first 2 months: 1 kg for 2,000 m3 of water.

+ From 3 months to harvest: 1 kg for 1,000- 2,000 m3 of water.

Dissolve Vime-Bitech with a sufficient amount of water and then spread over the pond water surface or spray-on feed.

- Do not use in junction with disinfectant products.


Store in a cool dry place. Protect from light and moisture.
