Best Supplement of AD3E
Each gram contains:
Vitamin A ...............................................….. 2 000 IU
Vitamin D3 .............................................……... 400 IU
Vitamin E .......................................................... 1 mg
b-galactopyranosyl-D-glucose qs ..........................1g
Helps to support resistance during periods of maximum stress, corrects deficiency conditions and helps to maintain optimum health, performance and fertility. After transport and re-housing. Before mating and farrowing.
Dissolve in water or mix in feed for 2 consecutive days
Chickens: 15g/1 liter of water or 15g/0.5kg of feed
Grower/pullets/Layers/Breeders/: 10g/1 liter of water or 10g/0.5kg of feed
Withdrawal time: Not required.
Store in a cool and dry place under room temperature. Strictly keep away from light and avoid heat exposure.